Hard Drive Recovery

Monday, November 10, 2008

Recover It All Data Recovery Software Only $49.99

DTI Data Recovery is happy to announce that it's most powerful professional grade software Recover It All is on sale for only $49.99, a savings of $50.00! Recover It All is a very powerful piece of data recovery software that works on all versions of the Windows Operating System.

Why Recover It All Is Special

Recover It All is one of only a few professional grade data recovery software that fully recovers the FAT 32 file system. You might wonder why the FAT 32 file system is so important since Microsoft has made NTFS the default file system for their operating systems. The answer is that ALL external hard drives are formatted in FAT 32 because it is recognized by all operating systems including Linux and all versions of Mac.

Download the demo of Recover It All here.

Buy Recover It All Now

Buy Now

Hard Drive Recovery Company

When choosing a hard drive recovery company it is important to know the facts. There are many companies that claim to be a data recovery company, but the fact is, there are only around 12 or 13 in the US. So how does a consumer know the difference?

How To Choose a Hard Drive Recovery Company

Of all the manufacturers of hard drives, only Western Digital lists authorized data recovery company or companies. You will note on the Western Digital Data Recovery Authorized Companies Page that DTI Data is one of them. That really is the best way for a consumer to tell if the place they are calling is a real data recovery company.

If you want more information about hard drive recovery visit dtidata.com or call 1-866-438-6932

Monday, November 03, 2008

Business Process Management

People have a tendency to get confused with terms like Web 2.0, SOA, Enterprise 2.0 and business process management. When looking at all of these terms and what they mean it is easy to get lost in how these powerful tools and strategies can possibly help grow and sustain your company.

Active Endpoints is a provider of cost-effective and flexible tools that use all of the web services infrastructure that have been installed in companies over the last few years. Active Endpoints are dedicated to help companies create composite applications. Things like mash ups and Software as a Service are just a few of the services that are realted to web 2.0.

Active Endpoints is the world's first all-in-one, standards-based visual orchestration system. As I was going over their information I visited the ActiveVos Blog where there is quite a bit of useful information for companies that are interested in Business Process Management as well as SOA Software.

Active Endpoints is the only SOA-based process orchestration and business process management (BPM) system that allows enterprises and developers to:

  • Automate business processes
  • Collaborate across IT and business boundaries
  • Control the overall state of the business
  • Adapt rapidly and easily to change

I highly recommend that you visit this site and request more information about whatever your company needs in business process management solutions.